Cody the Buffalo
Just about everyone has seen the movie Dances with Wolves, and been impressed with the thundering herd of buffalo stampeding across the movie screen. But did you know that one lone buffalo stands out from the herd? That buffalo is Cody. You may remember the buffalo hunt scene where a buffalo charges the young Indian boy, Smiles a Lot. He performed that scene enticed with his favorite treat- Oreo cookies.

Cody also starred in the movie Radio Flyer, a commercial filmed in front of the Wall Street building, in downtown Los Angeles, for Energizer batteries with the famous Energizer bunny, a Subway commercial for the Buffalo Chicken sub sandwich, a Taco John's commercial for the Buffalo Crunchy Chicken Burrito, and most recently a commercial for "Pray for Mother Nature" jeans.

He has been a guest on the television show Newton's Apple, was featured in National Geographic and People magazine, and also made an appearance inside the Mall of America. Cody has also done numerous fairs, local celebrations, fund raisers, university homecoming parades, and private parties, including several Native American events. Why not give us a call and arrange to have Cody II entertain for your next event. Visit the Money Creek Buffalo Ranch and get your picture taken with Cody II. Call (507) 896-2345 or e-mail us for booking dates today.