Grilled Bison Steak

1" thick - Rare: 6 - 8 min. Medium: 8 - 10 min.
1 1/2" thick - Rare: 8 - 10 min. Medium: 10 - 12 min.
2" thick - Rare: 10 - 12 min. Medium 14 - 18 min.
Tips: Steaks recommended for grilling/barbecuing include Ribeyes and New York Strips. Lesser quality Bison steaks are not recommended for grilling unless they have been marinated. Using a fork to turn steaks punctures the meat, so use tongs for turning and keep those wonderful juices in the steak. Bison steaks taste best when grilled to rare or medium (still pink in the center). Cooking time is important to avoid overcooking.